Pass the Driving Theory Test

To help you practice and pass the driving theory test, we have all the published training questions available for free, plus many tests, tips, and video tutorials.

Sixteen categories divide the theory test questions.

The following guides look at every category in detail and reveal the essential facts you need to know to answer the questions correctly.

Each category guide starts with a video tutorial and ends with a category-specific theory test to take. Once you have completed each guide, we have ten 50 question mock tests for you to try.

50 Question Practice Tests

Once you have completed the category sections, test your knowledge with our general theory tests, which use questions from all 14 categories, plus two dedicated Road & Traffic Signs tests and one Stopping Distances & Speed Limits test.

Theory Test FAQs

The test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions taken from a bank of over 1000 questions, all based on the Highway Code, the environment, and road safety matters.

The questions include a case study - a scenario on which five questions are based.

The case study will involve a real-life situation that a driver could face while driving and aims to assess your understanding of road safety issues.

To view a case study example, go theory test case study.

How To Book The Theory Test

You can book online or by phone - 0300 2001122. Have your credit/debit card and provisional driving license number with you.

You will recieve the date and time of your test immediately.

How You Take The Test

You take the test using a touch screen computer. You will have a fifteen-minute practice session before the test begins, which will give you all the information you need to take the test correctly and familiarize yourself with the touch screen controls. If you have any problems, a member of staff will assist you.

Only one question will appear on screen at a time, and you will be able to navigate backward/forward through the questions assessing answers and changing them if necessary. Unanswered questions will show at the end of the test on the Review Screen.

You will be able to return to any unanswered questions to provide an answer. To select or deselect an answer, press the box next to the answer.

So you know how much time remains to complete the test, a countdown counter will show in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

As some questions require more than one answer, the system will warn you if you try to move to the next question without giving the correct number of replies.

If you complete the test before the allotted time, you can end the test by pressing the Review Button followed by the End Button.

The images below show a screenshot of the Question and Review Screens. The Review screen appears after question fifty, or by pressing the Review Button on the Question Screen.

Theory Test Touch Screen Computer
Theory Test Touch Screen Computer

The Pass Mark

You will need to answer 43 of the 50 questions correctly. A pass mark of 86%.

Test Duration

You have 57 minutes to complete the test. The computer will indicate throughout how much time remains.

The Cost

It will cost £23. This price includes the hazard perception test. Make sure you book your test directly with the DVSA.

Do not use a third-party booking service, as these will charge you more than the DVSA charge. Don't be fooled by offers such as free re-tests, as there may be terms and conditions that make getting a free re-test difficult.

Documents You Must Bring

Take to the test centre both parts of your provisional licence - the photo card and the paper counterpart. If you fail to present these documents, the test centre will cancel your test and offer no refund.

You should also take your appointment card or booking number.

Hearing and Reading Difficulties

If you have trouble reading the questions, you can apply to have the test extended for up to twice the normal time, and you can listen to the questions via a voice-over. You will need to provide a letter from a suitable person, such as a doctor, who can confirm your reading difficulty. You can arrange this when you book your test.

If you are deaf or have other hearing difficulties, the multiple-choice part and the introduction to the hazard test can be delivered in British Sign Language by an on-screen signer. A BSL interpreter, signer, or lip speaker can also be provided. You will need to request this when booking.

The Results

You will receive your results before you leave the theory test centre.

If You Fail the Test

You will have to wait a minimum of three working days before retaking the test. You can, however, apply to take it the day after your initial failure.

Change Your Test Date and Time

If you want to change the test date, you can do so for free. However, you must give at least three working days' notice.

Cancel Your Test

You can cancel your theory test appointment and receive a full refund if you give three working days' notice. You can do this online or over the phone.