Road Lane Markings

Give way to traffic on a major road

Give way to traffic on a major road - can also be used at a mini roundabout

Give way to traffic from the right at a miniroundabout

Give way to traffic from the right at a mini roundabout

Give way to traffic from the right at a roundabout

Give way to traffic from the right at a roundabout

Stop line

Stop line at signals or police control

Stop line for pedestrians

Stop line for pedestrians at a level crossing

Stop line at a Stop sign

Stop line at a Stop sign

Centre road markings

A broken white line marks the centre of the road.

Hazard ahead

Longer broken white lines in the centre of the road indicate a hazard ahead. Never cross a hazard warning line unless you are certain it is safe.

No overtaking

A double solid white lines in the centre of the road. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10mph or less.

No overtaking

If traveling in the left-hand lane the same rules apply as for the double solid white line, see above.

Overtake if safe to do so

If traveling in the left-hand lane then you may overtake if safe to do so.

Diagonal hatching

Diagonal hatching - this is used to separate lanes of traffic and to protect vehicles waiting to turn off the road. If the are is bordered by a broken white line you can enter it, but only if it necessary and safe to do so: if it is bounded by a solid white line then you must not enter it except in an emergency.

Edge of carriageway

An edge line. This marks the left-hand side of the carriageway.

A single yellow

A single yellow indicates no waiting or parking during times shown. The times shown will be on a sign near-by.

A double yellow line

A double yellow line indicates no waiting or parking at anytime.

Restricted Parking

Waiting or parking is limited to the duration specified during the days and times shown.

Parking reserved for named vehicles

Loading bay - keep clear.

Loading bay

Opening for a swing bridge ahead

Keep Clear markings

Keep clear - do not block this part of the road.

Bus lane

Bus lane. You must not drive in a bus lane during its period of operation unless otherwise indicated by a sign. You may enter a bus lane to stop, to load or unload where this is not prohibited.

Bus stop

Bus stop. You must not park or stop at a bus stop.

Give way ahead

Warning of a Give way ahead.

Box Junction

Box Junction. You must not enter a box junction unless your exit is clear. The exception to this rule is: you can enter a box junction when you want to turn right and your exit road is clear but you are prevented from proceeding by oncoming traffic or right turning vehicles in front of you.

Direction arrows at junctions

Lane arrows indicating which lane you need to get into at a roundabout. These are often accompanied by road numbers and place names.

Keep School Clear No Parking

No parking or waiting

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